ChanServ SET Commands

Below is a list of all ChanServ SET commands.
Click each command to read more information and for examples of usage.

Some commands can be used by Managers, some only by the Founder.

This will be noted next to each command: (M) Manager/Founder | (F) Founder Only

SET DESC (M) - Change the channel description
Changes the channel description

Example: /chanserv set #Fred desc This is the new description!

SET FOUNDER (F) - Make yourself founder of a channel
Sets yourself as the channel founder after identifying to ChanServ with the channel password.

Example: /chanserv set #Fred founder

SET IDENT (M) - Require AOp's/SOp's to identify before being opped
This function forces channel AOp’s and SOp’s to identify to their nicknames before ChanServ grants them ops in the channel.

Example: /chanserv set #Fred ident ON
Example: /chanserv set #Fred ident OFF

SET KEEPTOPIC (M) - Remember the last topic if channel is empty
The KEEPTOPIC command is useful if your channel becomes unmanned at any point. Once everyone leaves the channel, all lists clear, such as the ban list and topic.

With this command, ChanServ resets the last set topic when someone joins the channel.

Example: /chanserv set #Fred keeptopic ON
Example: /chanserv set #Fred keeptopic OFF

SET LEAVEOPS (M) - Let the first user in an empty channel remain opped
Joining an empty registered channel in which you do not have access to will trigger ChanServ to deop you.

To counteract this, use this command to turn LEAVEOPS on.

Note that if the OPGUARD option is set on, LEAVEOPS is cancelled.

Example: /chanserv set #Fred leaveops ON
Example: /chanserv set #Fred leaveops OFF

SET MAILBLOCK (F) - Prevent email password recovery
Turning this feature on will prevent anyone from using the SENDPASS command on your channel.

The SENDPASS command allows you to send your channel password to the email address on file for the founders’ nickname.

CAUTION: If you enable the MAILBLOCK feature, you will no longer be able to request your password be sent via email and you will be entirely responsible for keeping track of it on your own.

Example: /chanserv set #Fred mailblock ON
Example: /chanserv set #Fred mailblock OFF

SET MEMO (M) - Control who can send channel memos
After channel registration, memos are able to be sent to the channel ops. To restrict who can send channel memos, use this command.

This command can be used by Managers providing the access level it is currently set to is not Founder.

The setting of ‘NONE’ means that nobody can send channel memos.

Example: /chanserv set #Fred memo AOP
Example: /chanserv set #Fred memo SOP
Example: /chanserv set #Fred memo MANAGER
Example: /chanserv set #Fred memo FOUNDER
Example: /chanserv set #Fred memo NONE

SET MLOCK (M) - Control what modes can be set on the channel
This command locks channel modes so that they stay even after the channel clears.

This also prevents users from setting channel modes if they are locked “off”, e.g. +nt-i

Example: /chanserv set #Fred mlock +nt
Example: /chanserv set #Fred mlock +nt-si

SET OPGUARD (M) - Only allow users on access lists to be opped
If you are concerned about your Ops giving operator status to someone who might take over the channel, or if you simply wish to have total control over who recieves ops, use the OPGUARD setting.

When you turn this command on, only the Founder, Managers, SOp’s, and AOp’s are able to receive operator status.

Even if someone were to manually op someone not in the list, ChanServ would immediately deop the user.

Example: /chanserv set #Fred opguard ON
Example: /chanserv set #Fred opguard OFF

SET PASSWD (F) - Change the channel password
With this command you can change channel password.

You must be identified to the channel with the current founder password.

Example: /chanserv set #Fred passwd 0ldpassw0rd n3wpassw0rd

SET PRIVATE (M) - Set the channel as Private
Hides certain information from /ChanServ INFO and disables the /chanserv INVITE command.

Example: /chanserv set #Fred private on
Example: /chanserv set #Fred private off

SET RESTRICT (M) - Only allow users on the access list to join
This option will only allow ops into a channel. If someone who joins is not on the AOp/SOp list, they will be kick-banned when they enter the channel.

Example: /chanserv set #Fred restrict on
Example: /chanserv set #Fred restrict off

SET SUCCESSOR (F) - Change the successor of the channel
This option allows a channel founder to set a successor to the channel.

When the founder nick expires, the successor can then (with help of an AUTH code) claim foundership of the channel.

The first below example shows how to set a successor, while the second shows how to remove a successor.

Example: /chanserv set #Fred successor John
Example: /chanserv set #Fred sucessor

SET TOPICLOCK (M) - Control who can change the topic
In order to moderate the channel topic, ChanServ allows the founder to select the groups that are able to modify it.

This command can be used by Managers providing the access level it is currently set to is not Founder.

When turned on, this command also performs KEEPTOPIC.

Example: /chanserv set #Fred topiclock SOP
Example: /chanserv set #Fred topiclock MANAGER
Example: /chanserv set #Fred topiclock FOUNDER
Example: /chanserv set #Fred topiclock OFF

SET UNSECURE (F) - Deprecated
This option is turned OFF by default. If you set a channel unsecure, you do not have to identify to ChanServ to change channel settings. It is only required for you to have an channel access of 3 (founder nick access match). This, in turn, lessens the security of your channel.

Example: /chanserv set #Fred unsecure on
Example: /chanserv set #Fred unsecure off

SET URL (M) - Set your channel website address
One way to let users know you have a site for the channel is to set your channel url with the address of your page.

ChanServ will announce the url to users upon using the INFO command.

To remove the current URL, simply do not provide that part of the command (second example)

Example: /chanserv set #Fred url
Example: /chanserv set #Fred url

SET VERBOSE (M) - Notify ops to changes made by AOp's/SOp's etc.
This option allows the founder and managers of a channel to view commands being issued by SOp’s and AOp’s of the channel.

Only valid commands that are carried out by services are displayed. Commands issued with an invalid syntax, bad parameters, or without sufficient access are not displayed.

INFO, IDENTIFY, and SET PASSWD commands are never displayed.

Example: /chanserv set #Fred verbose on
Example: /chanserv set #Fred verbose off

SET WEBPASSWD (M) - Change the password for your website
This will change the password for your web site at so you can delegate web access without giving out the channel password.

Example: /chanserv set #Fred webpasswd w3bpassw0rd