NickServ SET Commands

Below is a list of all NickServ SET commands.
Click each command to read more information and for examples of usage.

Some commands will require you to identify to the nickname before you can change them.

SET EMAIL - Change your email address
By providing an email address for your nickname, IRC Operators can handle password requests much faster and easier.

You must use a valid email address in order for us to provide you with a personalised authentication code. Changing an email address is a two-stages process.

After issuing it, an email is sent to the current email address for the nickname, which will allow you to revoke and abort the change.

If the change is not aborted within 48 hours a confirmation email is sent to the NEW set address, allowing the user to confirm the change.

/nickserv set email fr3dpassw0rd

This setting allows you to prevent unauthorised users from using your nickname.

When a user connects using your nickname, NickServ will look through the access list looking for a matching address. If one is not found, NickServ will ask the user for a password. If the correct password is not supplied within 60 seconds, NickServ will change that person’s nickname to a ‘Guest’ nickname.

This setting is now turned ON by default and cannot be unset.

SET MAILBLOCK - Prevent email password recovery

Turning this feature on will prevent anyone from using the SENDPASS command on your nickname.

The SENDPASS command allows you to send your nickname password to your email address on file. Changing an email adress is a two-stages process. After issuing it, an email is sent to the current set adress on the nick which will allow you to revoke and abort the change.

If the change is not aborted within 48 hours a confirmation email is sent to the NEW set adress, allowing the user to confirm the change. CAUTION: If you enable the MAILBLOCK feature, you will no longer be able to request your password be sent via email and you will be entirely responsible for keeping track of it on your own.

/nickserv set mailblock on
/nickserv set mailblock off

SET NOMEMO - Prevent memos being sent to you.

After registering a nickname with NickServ, you will gain access to MemoServ, which allows you to send and receive brief messages.

Use this command to disallow memos being sent to you.

/nickserv set nomemo on
/nickserv set nomemo off

SET NOOP - Prevent being added as an AOp/SOp etc.

After registering a nickname with NickServ, you will gain access to ChanServ, which allows you to register channels, as well as be added to access lists of channels.

To disallow users from granting you AOP/SOP/Manager status, you can use this command.

Note that this does not prevent you from being added to AKick lists or being added as a successor to a channel. You can also still be added to channels by hostmask/address.

If someone wishes to add you as an AOp, etc., you will need to temporarily turn this setting off.

/nickserv set noop on
/nickserv set noop off

SET PASSWD - Change your password

NickServ allows you to modify your nickname password using the PASSWD command.

Prior to using this command, you are required identify with the current password. Upon a successful password change an email is sent to the email adress of the nick.

No passwords will be included in that email. It is just a way to inform you that the password has been changed, and if you didnt issue that change, to take action and revoke it to prevent further damage. A user may roll back a password change.

When someone does a “SET PASSWD”, they will receive an email to their designated email address with an auth code. That auth code can be used for 72 hours to roll back the password change.

/nickserv set passwd oldp4ssw0rd NewPassw0rd

SET SHOWEMAIL - Choose to display your email in your INFO

This option allows the user to choose whether or not regular IRC users get to see their email address set during registration or via /nickserv set email. This setting is turned OFF by default.

/nickserv set showemail on
/nickserv set showemail off

SET URL - Display a website address in your INFO

You can use this command to include a website address in the NickServ INFO of your nickname. This can be anything from a homepage to your favorite website.

/nickserv set url