ChanServ Commands

Below is a list of all ChanServ commands.
Click each command to read more information and for examples of usage.

Some commands require a minimum level of access, and will be noted next to each command:
(U) Any user | (A) AOp | (S) SOp | (M) Manager | (F) Founder

ACCESS (U) - Check access level in a channel of yourself or a user
With this command, you can view your channel status. The nickname parameter is optional.
If no nickname is specified, it defaults to yourself.

To see details about other users access to a channel, you must be at least an AOp.

Here are the possible results:

-2 – Channel is frozen or closed
-1 – User is AKicked from channel
0 – User has no access to channel
10 – User has AOp status on channel
20 – User has SOp status on channel
30 – User has Manager status on channel
40 – Has founder access via a NickServ access list mask
50 – Has founder access via identification to NickServ
60 – Has founder access via identification to ChanServ

/chanserv access #Fred
/chanserv access #Fred AnotherUser

AKICK - Permanently prevent users from joining

AKick stands for Automatic Kick. Once placed on the akick list, the problem user will be automatically kicked and banned upon entering the channel.
Only the channel founder, managers and SOp’s are able to modify the AKick list. Wildcards (* ?) can be used in the LIST command.

Examples to LIST (A):
/chanserv akick #fred list
/chanserv akick #fred list *bob*

Examples to ADD (S):
/chanserv akick #fred add Bob
/chanserv akick #fred add *!*

Example to REMOVE (S):
/chanserv akick #fred del Bob
/chanserv akick #fred del *!*

Example to WIPE (M):
/chanserv akick #fred wipe

AOP - Manage a list of AOp's

An AutoOp is a user with special privileges on a channel; one being that they will automatically be granted operator status from ChanServ upon entering the channel. Others include any setting that the channel founder of may set to AOPs or higher. Wildcards (* ?) can be used in the LIST command.

Examples to LIST (A):
/chanserv aop #fred list
/chanserv aop #fred list *bob*

Examples to ADD (S):
/chanserv aop #fred add Bob
/chanserv aop #fred add *!*

Example to REMOVE (S):
/chanserv aop #fred del Bob
/chanserv aop #fred del *!*

Example to WIPE (M):
/chanserv aop #fred wipe

COUNT (A) - Total number of users in access lists

This command will display the number of AOps, SOps, Managers and AKICKs in a channel.
Limited to AOp or higher.

/chanserv count #fred

DEOP (A) - Remove operator status of a user

If you have access to a channel (AOp+), you can use ChanServ to deop user(s) on a channel.
Multiple nicknames can be separated by a space.

/chanserv deop #fred Bob
/chanserv deop #fred Bob Simon Kevin John Paul

DROP (F) - Unregister a channel

Dropping a channel will forfeit ownership and ChanServ will no longer have control over it.

Before dropping a channel, the user must identify to ChanServ with the channel password.
After issuing that command, chanserv will give you an authorization code that you must enter in order to confirm the drop request.

/chanserv drop #Fred

IDENTIFY (F) - Identify as the owner of a channel

Identifies you as the founder to a channel. Sometimes necessary in order to change some channel settings.

/chanserv identify #fred Fr3d1sTheB3st

INFO (U) - See details about a channel

Use this command to retrieve detailed information on the specified channel, such as channel founder, registration date, channel topic, etc.

/chanserv info #fred

INVITE (A) - Request ChanServ invite you in to a channel

When a channel is set +i (invite) or +k (requires key), a user is able to join the channel when invited. However, a user with AOp or higher status is able to have ChanServ invite them.

/chanserv invite #fred

LISTOPS (A) - List all users on a channel's access lists

Shows you a list of all AOp’s, SOp’s and Managers of a channel, separated into categories.

/chanserv listops #fred

MANAGER - Maintain a list of channel managers

This command lets you add or remove a channel manager of your channel.
Managers have almost full control over the channel with the exception of changing the channel’s foundership.

See here for information on what a manager can do compared to other users.

Examples to LIST (A):
/chanserv manager #fred list
/chanserv manager #fred list *bob*

Examples to ADD (F):
/chanserv manager #fred add Bob
/chanserv manager #fred add *!*

Example to REMOVE (F):
/chanserv manager #fred del Bob
/chanserv manager #fred del *!*

Example to WIPE (F):
/chanserv manager #fred wipe

MDEOP - Mass deop a channel

Mass Deopping is removing the operator status of a great deal of operators at once. In this case, ChanServ will deop anyone who has a lesser status on the channel than the person issuing the command.

AOps can only use this command on channels that have the opguard option shut off. Because this command will only deop anyone who has a lesser status than you, an AOp can only deop users who have been temporarily given operator status through mode +o.

When an SOp uses this command, they will deop anyone on the channel who is an AOp or below.

When a Manager uses this command, they will deop anyone on the channel who is an SOp or below.

When the founder uses this command, they will deop everyone on the channel, excluding themselves.

/chanserv mdeop #fred

MKICK - Mass kick all users in a channel

Masskicking removes of all persons on a channel. Everyone in the channel will be kicked and banned.

If you are outranked by any individuals on the channel, this command will NOT be accepted. For example, if you were an SOp, and there is a manager or founder in the channel, you cannot issue the command.

/chanserv mkick #fred

OP (A) - Op user(s) on a channel via ChanServ

If you have access to a channel (AOp+), you can use ChanServ to op user(s) on a channel.
Multiple nicknames can be separated by a space.

/chanserv op #fred Bob
/chanserv op #fred Bob Simon Kevin John Paul

REGISTER (U) - Register a channel

Channel registration is required in order for ChanServ to aid you with routine functions of managing a channel.

You must be identified to a registered nickname in order to register a channel.

A guide to registering your channel is available here.

SENDAUTH (F) - Gain access to a channel if Founder's nick expires

When a channel founder’s nickname expires, the successor will be sent an AUTH code by MemoServ to gain access to the channel.

If the first memo fails, the successor can re-request the AUTH code to be sent to them again through MemoServ using the following command.

/chanserv sendauth #fred

SENDPASS (F) - Channel password recovery

The SENDPASS command will allow a user to request a password reset on their channel.

The user will receive an email with an AUTH code that, when entered, will reset the channel password to a new random password. This command should not be relied on as an alternative to managing your own passwords, but only as a “backup” in case of extreme situations.

Please remember that you are still responsible for remembering your passwords and keeping them private.

/chanserv sendpass #fred

SET (M+) - Channel settings

See here for details on SET commands

SOP - Maintain a list of SOp's

An SOp is a user with high privileges on a channel; the main one being that they can add and remove AOp’s and AKick’s on the channel list.
Others include any setting the founder of the channel may set to SOps or higher. Wildcards (* ?) can be used in the LIST command.

Examples to LIST (A):
/chanserv sop #fred list
/chanserv sop #fred list *bob*

Examples to ADD (M):
/chanserv sop #fred add Bob
/chanserv sop #fred add *!*

Example to REMOVE (M):
/chanserv sop #fred del Bob
/chanserv sop #fred del *!*

Example to WIPE (M):
/chanserv sop #fred wipe

UNBAN (A) - Unban yourself or another user in a channel

Use this command to have ChanServ unban addresses in the channel ban list.

To remove all bans, you can specify * as the nickname.
To unban yourself, specify no nickname.

/chanserv unban #fred *
/chanserv unban #fred Fred
/chanserv unban #fred

WHY (A) - Find out why a user was opped by ChanServ

This command is used to tell why the given nick is gaining operator status (ops) on the given registered channel.

/chanserv why #fred John