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      Code written by SReject (http://hawkee.com/snippet/10194/)

      /JSONOpen -dbfuw {name} {text|bvar|file|url}
      Creates a json handler
      -d: Closes the JSON handler at the end of the script’s execution
      -b: Parses JSON stored in the specified bvar
      -f: Parses JSON stored in the specified file
      -u: Parses JSON stored at the specified URL
      -w: Used with -u, to make the URL request wait until /JSONUrlGet is called. This is to allow the usage of /JSONUrlMethod and /JSONUrlHeader prior to retrieving data from a url.

      {name}: Unique name of the json handler to use to reference the handler. Must start with a letter(a-z) and contain only letters, numbers, _ or –

      {text|bvar|file|url}: JSON data source

      $JSONError will be filled if parameters are invalid or JSON Handler could not be created

      /JSONUrlMethod {name} {method}
      Sets the request method for the JSON handler (for use with url requests only).
      {name}: JSON handler name
      {method}: Request method. Must be GET, POST, PUT, DEL, HEAD
      $JSONError will be filled if parameters are invalid
      $JSON().Error will be filled the method could not be set

      /JSONUrlHeader {name} {header} {value}
      Sets the specified request header for the JSON handler (for use with url requests only).
      {name}: JSON handler name
      {header} {value}: Sets the specified {header} to {value}
      Multiple values for the same header will be appended to each other
      $JSONError will be filled if parameters are invalid
      $JSON().Error will be filled if header could not be set

      /JSONUrlGet -bf {name} [text|bvar|file]
      Retrieves data from a URL for the JSON handler (for use with url request only).
      -b: sends data contained in the specified bvar with the request
      -f: sends data contained in the specified file with the request
      {name}: JSON handler name
      [text|bvar|file]: Data to send with the request.
      $JSON().UrlResponse can be used to access information about the response such as status code and recieved headers
      $JSONError will be filled if parameters are invalid
      $JSON().Error will be filled if an error making the request results in an error

      /JSONClose [-w] {name}
      Closes the specified JSON handler
      -w: the name is a wildcard match of JSON handlers
      {name}: JSON handler to close

      Lists all currently open JSON handlers

      /JSONDebug on|off
      Enables or disables JSON debugging

      If the specified JSON handler exists, its name is returned
      If n is 0, the total number of open JSON handlers is returned
      If n is greater than 0, the Nth json handler’s name is returned

      Returns the current status for the specified JSON handlers
      Possible values are: init, waiting, parsed, error

      Returns $true if the specified name is an alias for a nested member

      Returns the error if the last call to the json handler resulted in an error

      Retrieves the url request’s response status code
      $JSON().error is filled if a response has not been made

      Returns the url request’s response status code text, E.g.: “200 OK”
      $JSON().error is filled if a response has not been made

      $JSON({name}, {header_name}).UrlHeader
      Returns the specified header from the url request’s response
      $JSON().error is filled if a response has not been made

      $JSON({name}, {index|item[, ...]})
      Returns the data at the specified reference.
      If the reference points to an array or object an alias of the reference is returned
      This alias can be used with $json({alias}) to access its nested members
      $JSON().error is filled if the reference points to an undefined value

      $JSON({name}, {index|item[, ...]}).type
      Returns the type of the item referenced.
      Possible values are: null, boolean, number, string, array, object
      $JSON().error will be filled if the reference doesn’t exist

      $JSON({name}, {index|item[, ...]}).isParent
      Returns $true if the reference points to an object or array
      $JSON().error will be filled if the reference doesn’t exist

      $JSON({name}, {index|item[, ...]}).length
      Returns the length of the item referenced.
      $JSON().error will be filled if the reference is not a string or array or doesn’t exist

      $JSON({name}, {bvar}, {index|item[, ...]}).toBvar
      Retrieves the referenced data and stores it in the specified bvar.
      $JSON().error will be filled if the reference points to an array, object or doesn’t exist

      $JSON({name}, {index|item[, ...]}).fuzzy
      Attempts to find a matching reference and returns its value.
      Character-case is ignored.
      If a numeric value is specified the nTH item value is returned(0-indexed)
      $JSON().error is filled if no matching reference is found.

      $JSON({name}, {index|item[, ...]}).fuzzypath
      Attempts to find a matching reference and returns its path formated as [“item|index”][“item|index”][….]
      Character-case is ignored.
      If a numeric value is specified the nTh item value is returned (0th indexed)
      $JSON().error is filled if no matching reference is found.

      Returns $true of debugging is enabled

      Returns the the error message if the last JSON call resulted in an error

      Returns the Script version
      If short is specified, only the numerical value of the version is returned (x.x.x)


      ; JSON as inputted text
      alias JSON:ex1 {
          jsonopen -d test {"text":"text test"}
          echo 04 -a :: $json(test).error
          echo -a Result: $json(test, text)
      ; JSON as a bvar
      alias JSON:ex2 {
          bset -t &test 1 {"bvar":"bvar test"}
          jsonopen -bd test &test
          echo 04 -a :: $json(test).error
          echo -a Result: $json(test, bvar)
      ; JSON from a file
      alias JSON:ex3 {
          write -c JSONExample.txt {"file":"file test"}
          jsonopen -fd test JSONExample.txt
          echo 04 -a :: $json(test).error
          echo -a Result: $json(test, file)
          .remove JSONExample.txt
      ; JSON from a url
      alias JSON:ex4 {
          jsonopen -ud test http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/services/search/web?v=1.0&safe=active&rsz=3&q=JSON%20for%20mIRC
          echo 04 -a :: $json(test).error
          echo -a Result: $json(test, responseData, results, 0, titleNoFormatting) - $json(test, responseData, results, 0, url)
      ; Index-key values (indexes start at 0, not 1)
      alias JSON:ex5 {
          jsonopen -d test ["index0", "index1", "index2"]
          echo 04 -a :: $json(test).error
          echo -a Result:
          echo -a #0: $json(test, 0)
          echo -a #1: $json(test, 1)
          echo -a #2: $json(test, 2)
      ; Nested members
      alias JSON:ex6 {
          jsonopen -d test ["index0",[{"key":"value","arr":["nested value"]}]]
          echo 04 -a :: $json(test).error
          echo -a Result
          echo -a :: $json(test, 1, 0, arr, 0)


      alias JSONVersion {
        if ($isid) {
          return $iif($1 != short,JSONForMirc v,v) $+ 0.2.2
      alias JSONError {
        if ($isid) {
          return %JSONError 
      alias JSONOpen {
        if ($isid) return
        unset %JSONError
        debugger -i 0 Calling /JSONOpen $1-
        var %switches = -, %error, %com, %file
        if (-* iswm $1) {
          %switches = $1
          tokenize 32 $2-
        if ($regex(%switches, ([^dbfuw\-]))) {
          %error = Invalid switches specified: $regml(1)
        elseif ($regex(%switches, ([dbfuw]).*?\1)) {
          %error = Duplicate switch specified: $regml(1)
        elseif ($regex(%switches, /([bfu])/g) > 1) {
          %error = Conflicting switches: $regml(1) $+ , $regml(2)
        elseif (u !isin %switches && w isin %switches) {
          %error = -w switch can only be used with -u
        elseif ($0 < 2) {
          %error = Missing Parameters
        elseif (!$regex($1, /^[a-z][a-z\d_.-]+$/i)) {
          %error = Invalid handler name: Must start with a letter and contain only letters numbers _ . and -
        elseif ($com(JSONHandler:: $+ $1)) {
          %error = Name in use
        elseif (b isin %switches && $0 != 2) {
          %error = Invalid parameter: Binary variable names cannot contain spaces
        elseif (b isin %switches && &* !iswm $2) {
          %error = Invalid parameters: Binary variable names start with &
        elseif (b isin %switches && !$bvar($2, 0)) {
          %error = Invalid parameters: Binary variable is empty
        elseif (f isin %switches && !$isfile($2-)) {
          %error = Invalid parameters: File doesn't exist
        elseif (f isin %switches && !$file($2-).size) {
          %error = Invalid parameters: File is empty
        elseif (u isin %switches && $0 != 2) {
          %error = Invalid parameters: URLs cannot contain spaces
        else {
          .comopen JSONHandler:: $+ $1 MSScriptControl.ScriptControl
          if (!$com(JSONHandler:: $+ $1) || $comerr) {
            %error = Unable to create an instance of MSScriptControl.ScriptControl
          else {
            %com = JSONHandler:: $+ $1
            if (!$com(%com, language, 4, bstr, jscript) || $comerr) {
              %error = Unable to set ScriptControl's language to Javascript
            elseif (!$com(%com, timeout, 4, bstr, 60000) || $comerr) {
              %error = Unable to set ScriptControl's timeout to 60seconds
            elseif (!$com(%com, ExecuteStatement, 1, bstr, $JScript) || $comerr) {
              %error = Unable to add required javascript to the ScriptControl instance
            elseif (u isincs %switches) {
              if (1 OK != $jstry(%com, $jscript(urlInit), $escape($2-).quote)) {
                %error = $gettok($v2, 2-, 32)
              elseif (w !isincs %switches && 0 ?* iswm $jsTry(%com, $jscript(urlParse), status="error").withError) {
                %error = $gettok($v2, 2-, 32)
            elseif (f isincs %switches) {
              if (1 OK != $jstry(%com, $jscript(fileParse), $escape($longfn($2-)).quote)) {
                %error = $gettok($v2, 2-, 32)
            elseif (b isincs %switches) {
              %file = $tempfile
              bwrite $qt(%file) -1 -1 $2
              debugger %com Wrote $2 to $qt(%file)
              if (0 ?* iswm $jstry(%com, $jscript(fileParse), $escape(%file).quote)) {
                %error = $gettok($v2, 2-, 32)
            else {
              %file = $tempfile
              write -n $qt(%file) $2-
              debugger %com Wrote $2- to $qt(%file)
              if (0 ?* iswm $jstry(%com, $jscript(fileParse), $escape(%file).quote)) {
                %error = $gettok($v2, 2-, 32)
            if (!%error) {
              if (d isin %switches) {
                $+(.timer, %com) -o 1 0 JSONClose $1
              Debugger -s %com Successfully created
        %error = $iif($error, $error, %error)
        if (%file && $isfile(%file)) {
          .remove $qt(%file)
          debugger %com Removed $qt(%file)
        if (%error) {
          if (%com && $com(%com)) {
            .comclose %com
          set -eu0 %JSONError %error
          Debugger -e 0 /JSONOpen %switches $1- --RAISED-- %error
      alias JSONUrlMethod {
        if ($isid) return
        unset %JSONError
        debugger -i 0 Calling /JSONUrlMethod $1-
        var %error, %com
        if ($0 < 2) {
          %error = Missing parameters
        elseif ($0 > 2) {
          %error = Too many parameters specified
        elseif (!$regex($1, /^[a-z][a-z\d_.\-]+$/i)) {
          %error = Invalid handler name: Must start with a letter and contain only letters numbers _ . and -
        elseif (!$com(JSONHandler:: $+ $1)) {
          %error = Invalid handler name: JSON handler does not exist
        elseif (!$regex($2, /^(?:GET|POST|PUT|DEL)$/i)) {
          %error = Invalid request method: Must be GET, POST, PUT, or DEL
        else {
          var %com = JSONHandler:: $+ $1
          if (1 OK != $jsTry(%com, $JScript(UrlMethod), status="error", $qt($upper($2))).withError) {
            %error = $gettok($v2, 2-, 32)
          else {
            Debugger -s $+(%com,>JSONUrlMethod) Method set to $upper($2)
        %error = $iif($error, $v1, %error)
        if (%error) {
          set -eu0 %JSONError %error
          if (%com) set -eu0 % [ $+ [ %com ] $+ ] ::Error %error
          Debugger -e $iif(%com, $v1, 0) /JSONUrlMethod %switches $1- --RAISED-- %error
      alias JSONUrlHeader {
        if ($isid) return
        unset %JSONError
        debugger -i 0 Calling /JSONUrlHeader $1-
        var %error, %com
        if ($0 < 3) {
          %error = Missing parameters
        elseif (!$regex($1, /^[a-z][a-z\d_.\-]+$/i)) {
          %error = Invalid handler name: Must start with a letter and contain only letters numbers _ . and -
        elseif (!$com(JSONHandler:: $+ $1)) {
          %error = Invalid handler name: JSON handler does not exist
        elseif (!$regex($2, /^[a-z_-]+:?$/i)) {
          %error = Invalid header name: Header names can only contain letters, _ and -
        else {
          %com = JSONHandler:: $+ $1
          if (1 OK !== $jsTry(%com, $JScript(UrlHeader), status="error", $escape($regsubex($2, :+$, )).quote, $escape($3-).quote).withError) {
            %error = $gettok($v2, 2-, 32)
          else {
            Debugger -s $+(%com,>JSONUrlHeader) Header $+(',$2,') set to $3-
        %error = $iif($error, $v1, %error)
        if (%error) {
          set -eu0 %JSONError %error
          if (%com) set -eu0 % [ $+ [ %com ] $+ ] ::Error %error
          Debugger -e $iif(%com, $v1, 0) /JSONUrlMethod %switches $1- --RAISED-- %error
      alias JSONUrlOption {
        if ($isid) return
        unset %JSONError
        Debugger -i 0 /JSONUrlOption is depreciated and will be removed. Please use /JSONUrlMethod and /JSONUrlHeader
        if ($2 == method) {
          JSONUrlMethod $1 $3-
        else {
          JSONUrlHeader $1-
      alias JSONUrlGet {
        if ($isid) return
        unset %JSONError
        Debugger -i 0 Calling /JSONUrlGet $1-
        var %switches = -, %error, %com, %file
        if (-* iswm $1) {
          %switches = $1
          tokenize 32 $2-
        if (!$0 || (%switches != - && $0 < 2)) {
          %error = Missing parameters
        elseif (!$regex(%switches, ^-[bf]?$)) {
          %error = Invalid switch(es) specified
        elseif (!$regex($1, /^[a-z][a-z\d_.\-]+$/i)) {
          %error = Invalid handler name: Must start with a letter and contain only letters numbers _ . and -
        elseif (!$com(JSONHandler:: $+ $1)) {
          %error = Specified handler does not exist
        elseif (b isincs %switches && &* !iswm $2) {
          %error = Invalid bvar name: bvars start with &
        elseif (b isincs %switches && $0 > 2) {
          %error = Invalid bvar name: Contains spaces: $2-
        elseif (f isincs %switches && !$isfile($2-)) {
          %error = Specified file does not exist: $longfn($2-)
        else {
          %com = JSONHandler:: $+ $1
          if ($0 > 1) {
            if (f isincs %switches) {
              if (0 ?* iswm $jsTry(%com, $JScript(UrlData), status="error", $escape($longfn($2-)).quote).withError) {
                %error = $gettok($v2, 2-, 32)
              else {
                Debugger -s $+(%com,>JSONUrlGet) Stored $longfn($2-) as data to send with HTTP Request
            else {
              %file = $tempfile
              if (b isincs %switches) {
                bwrite $qt(%file) -1 -1 $2
              else {
                write -n $qt(%file) $2-
              Debugger -s $+(%com,>JSONUrlGet) Wrote specified data to %file
              if (0 ?* iswm $jsTry(%com, $JScript(UrlData), status="error", $escape(%file).quote).withError) {
                %error = $gettok($v2, 2-, 32)
              else {
                Debugger -s $+(%Com,>JSONUrlGet) Stored $2- as data to send with HTTP Request
              .remove $qt(%file)
          if (!%error) {
            if (0 ?* iswm $jsTry(%com, $JScript(URLParse), status="error").withError) {
              %error = $gettok($v2, 2-, 32)
            else {
              Debugger -s $+(%com,>JSONUrlGet) Request finished
        %error = $iif($error, $v1, %error)
        if (%error) {
          set -eu0 %JSONError %error
          if (%com) set -eu0 % [ $+ [ %com ] $+ ] ::Error %error
          Debugger -e $iif(%com, $v1, 0) /JSONUrlGet %switches $1- --RAISED-- %error
      alias JSONGet {
        if ($isid) return
        unset %JSONError
        debugger -i 0 /JSONGet is depreciated and will be removed. Please use /JSONUrlGet
        JSONUrlGet $1-
      alias JSONClose {
        if ($isid) return
        unset %JSONError
        Debugger -i 0 /JSONClose $1-
        var %switches = -, %error, %com, %x
        if (-* iswm $1) {
          %switches = $1
          tokenize 32 $2-
        if ($0 < 1) {
          %error = Missing parameters
        elseif ($0 > 1) {
          %error = Too many parameters specified.
        elseif (%switches !== - && %switches != -w) {
          %error = Unknown switches specified
        elseif (%switches == -) {
          %com = JSONHandler:: $+ $1
          if ($com(%com)) { .comclose %com }
          if ($timer(%com)) { $+(.timer,%com) off }
          unset % [ $+ [ %com ] $+ ] ::Error
          Debugger -i %com Closed
        else {
          %com = JSONHandler:: $+ $1
          %x = 1
          while (%x <= $com(0)) {
            if (%com iswm $com(%x)) {
              .comclose $v1
              $+(.timer,$v1) off
              unset % [ $+ [ $v1 ] $+ ] ::*
              Debugger -i %com Closed
            else {
              inc %x
        %error = $iif($error, $v1, %error)
        if (%error) {
          set -eu0 %JSONError %error
      alias JSONList {
        if ($isid) return
        Debugger -i 0 Calling /JSONList $1-
        var %x = 1, %i = 0
        while ($com(%x)) {
          if (JSONHandler::* iswm $v1) {
            inc %i
            echo $color(info) -a * # $+ %i : $regsubex($v2, /^JSONHandler::/, )
          inc %x
        if (!%i) {
          echo $color(info) -a * No active JSON handlers
      alias JSON {
        if (!$isid) {
        var %x, %calling, %i = 0, %com, %get = json, %ref = $false, %error, %file
        if ($JSONDebug) {
          %x = 0
          while (%x < $0) {
            inc %x
            %calling = %calling $+ $iif(%calling,$chr(44)) $($ $+ %x,2)
          debugger -i 0 Calling $!JSON( $+ %calling $+ $chr(41) $+ $iif($prop,. $+ $prop)
        if (!$0) {
        if ($regex($1, ^\d+$)) {
          %x = 1
          while ($com(%x)) {
            if (JSONHandler::* iswm $v1) {
              inc %i
              if (%i == $1) {
                %com = $com(%x)
            inc %x
          if ($0 == 1 && $1 == 0) {
            return %i
        elseif ($regex($1, /^[a-z][a-z\d_.-]+$/i)) {
          %com = JSONHandler:: $+ $1
        elseif ($regex($1, /^(JSONHandler::[a-z][a-z\d_.-]+)::(.+)$/i)) {
          %com = $regml(1)
          %get = json $+ $regml(2)
          %ref = $true
        if (!%com) {
          %error = Invalid name specified
        elseif (!$com(%com)) {
          %error = Handler doesn't exist
        elseif (!$regex($prop, /^(?:Status|IsRef|IsChild|Error|Data|UrlStatus|UrlStatusText|UrlHeader|Fuzzy|FuzzyPath|Type|Length|ToBvar|IsParent)?$/i)) {
          %error = Unknown prop specified
        elseif ($0 == 1) {
          if ($prop == isRef) {
            return %ref
          elseif ($prop == isChild) {
            Debugger -i 0 $!JSON().isChild is depreciated use $!JSON().isRef
            return %ref
          elseif ($prop == status) {
            if ($com(%com, eval, 1, bstr, status) && !$comerr) {
              return $com(%com).result
            else {
              %error = Unable to determine status
          elseif ($prop == error) {
            if ($eval($+(%,%com,::Error),2)) {
              return $v1
            elseif ($com(%com, eval, 1, bstr, error) && !$comerr) {
              return $com(%com).result
            else {
              %error = Unable to determine if there is an error
          elseif ($prop == UrlStatus || $prop == UrlStatusText) {
            if (0 ?* iswm $jsTry(%com, $JScript($prop))) {
              %error = $gettok($v2, 2-, 32)
            else {
              return $v2
          elseif (!$prop) {
            return $regsubex(%com,/^JSONHandler::/,)
        elseif (!$regex($prop, /^(?:fuzzy|fuzzyPath|data|type|length|toBvar|isParent)?$/i)) {
          %error = $+(',$prop,') cannot be used when referencing items
        elseif ($prop == toBvar && $chr(38) !== $left($2, 1) ) {
          %error = Invalid bvar specified: bvar names must start with &
        elseif ($prop == UrlHeader) {
          if ($0 != 2) {
            %error = Missing or excessive header parameter specified
          elseif (0 ?* iswm $jsTry(%com, $JScript(UrlHeader), $escape($2).quote)) {
            %error = $gettok($v2, 2-, 32)
          else {
            return $gettok($v2, 2-, 32)
        elseif (fuzzy* iswm $prop) {
          if ($0 < 2) {
            %error = Missing parameters
          else {
            var %x = 2, %path, %res
            while (%x <= $0) {
              %path = %path $+ $escape($($ $+ %x, 2)).quote $+ $chr(44)
              inc %x
            %res = $jsTry(%com, $JScript(fuzzy), %get, $left(%path, -1))
            if (0 ? iswm %res) {
              %error = $gettok(%res, 2-, 32)
            elseif ($prop == fuzzy) {
              %get = %get $+ $gettok(%res, 2-, 32)
            else {
              return $regsubex(%get, ^json, ) $+ $gettok(%res, 2-, 32)
        if (!%error) {
          if (fuzzy* !iswm $prop) {
            %x = $iif($prop == toBvar, 3, 2)
            while (%x <= $0) {
              %i = $ [ $+ [ %x ] ]
              if ($len(%i)) {
                %get = $+(%get, [", $escape(%i), "])
                inc %x
              else {
                %error = Empty index|item passed.
          if (!%error) {
            if ($prop == type) {
              if (0 ?* iswm $jsTry(%com, $JScript(typeof), %get)) {
                %error = $gettok($v2, 2-, 32)
              else {
                return $gettok($v2, 2-, 32)
            elseif ($prop == length) {
              if (0 ?* iswm $jsTry(%com, $JScript(length), %get)) {
                %error = $gettok($v2, 2-, 32)
              else {
                return $gettok($v2, 2-, 32)
            elseif ($prop == isParent) {
              if (0 ?* iswm $jsTry(%com, $JScript(isparent), %get)) {
                %error = $gettok($v2, 2-, 32)
              else {
                return $iif($gettok($v2, 2-, 32), $true, $false)
            elseif ($prop == toBvar) {
              %file = $tempfile
              if (0 ?* iswm $jsTry(%com, $JScript(tofile), $escape(%file).quote, %get)) {
                %error = $gettok($v2, 2-, 32)
              else {
                bread $qt(%file) 0 $file(%file) $2
              if ($isfile(%file)) { .remove $qt(%file) }
            elseif (0 ?* iswm $jsTry(%com, $JScript(get), %get)) {
              %error = $gettok($v2, 2-, 32)
              if (%error == Object or Array referenced) {
                %error = $null
                Debugger -s $+(%com,>$JSON) Result is an Object or Array; returning reference
                return %com $+ :: $+ $regsubex(%get, /^json/, )
            else {
              var %res = $gettok($v2, 2-, 32)
              Debugger -s $+(%com,>$JSON) %get references %res
              return %res
        %error = $iif($error, $v1, %error)
        if (%error) {
          set -eu0 %JSONError
          if (%com && $com(%com)) {
            set -eu0 $+(%,%com,::Error) %error
          var %r
          %x = 0
          while (%x < $0) {
            inc %x
            %r = $addtok(%r, $chr(32) $+ $ [ $+ [ %x ] ] , 44)
          debugger -e $iif(%com && $com(%com),%com,0) $!JSON( $+ %r $+ ) $+ $+ $iif($prop,. $+ $prop) --RAISED-- %error
      alias JSONDebug {
        if ($isid) {
          return $iif($group(#JSONForMircDebug) == on, $true, $false)
        elseif ($0) {
          tokenize 32 $iif($group(#JSONForMircDebug) == on, off, on)
        if ($regex($1-,/^(?:on|enable)$/i)) {
          .enable #JSONForMircDebug
          debugger -i Debugger Now Enabled
        elseif ($regex($1-, /^(?:off|disable)$/i)) {
          .disable #JSONForMircDebug
          if ($window(@JSONForMircDebug)) {
            close -@ @JSONForMircDebug
      #JSONForMircDebug off
      alias -l Debugger {
        if ($isid) return
        if (!$window(@JSONForMircDebug)) {
          window -zk0 @JSONForMircDebug
        var %switches = -, %c
        if (-* iswm $1) {
          %switches = $1
          tokenize 32 $2-
        if (e isincs %switches) {
          %c = 04
        elseif (s isincs %switches) {
          %c = 12
        else {
          %c = 03
        var %n = $iif($1, $1, JSONForMirc)
        %n = $regsubex(%n, /^JSONHandler::, )
        aline -p @JSONForMircDebug $+($chr(3),%c,[,%n,],$chr(15)) $2-
      #JSONForMircDebug end
      alias -l Debugger return
      menu @JSONForMircDebug {
        .Clear: clear -@ @JsonForMircDebug
        .Disable and Close: JSONDebug off
      alias -l tempfile {
        var %n = 1
        while ($isfile($scriptdirJSONTmpFile $+ %n $+ .json)) {
          inc %n
        return $scriptdirJSONTmpFile $+ %n $+ .json
      alias -l escape {
        var %esc = $replace($1-,\,\\,",\")
        return $iif($prop == quote, $qt(%esc), %esc)
      alias -l JScript {
        if (!$isid) return
        if (!$0) return (function(){status="init";json=null;url={m:"GET",u:null,h:[],d:null};response=null;var r,x=['MSXML2.SERVERXMLHTTP.6.0','MSXML2.SERVERXMLHTTP.3.0','MSXML2.SERVERXMLHTTP','MSXML2.XMLHTTP.6.0','MSXML2.XMLHTTP.3.0','Microsoft.XMLHTTP'],i;while(x.length){try{r=new ActiveXObject(x.shift());break}catch(e){}}xhr=r?function(){r.open(url.m,url.u,false);for(i=0;i<url.h.length;i+=1)r.setRequestHeader(url.h[i][0],url.h[i][1]);r.send(url.d);return(response=r).responseText}:function(){throw new Error("HTTP Request object not found")};read=function(f){var a=new ActiveXObject("ADODB.stream"),d;a.CharSet="utf-8";a.Open();a.LoadFromFile(f);if(a.EOF){a.close();throw new Error("No content in file")}d=a.ReadText();a.Close();return d;};write=function(f,d){var a=new ActiveXObject("ADODB.stream");a.CharSet="utf-8";a.Open();a.WriteText(d);a.SaveToFile(f,2);a.Close()};parse=function(t){if(/^[\],:{}\s]*$/.test((t=(String(t)).replace(/[\u0000\u00ad\u0600-\u0604\u070f\u17b4\u17b5\u200c-\u200f\u2028-\u202f\u2060-\u206f\ufeff\ufff0-\uffff]/g,function(a){return'\\u'+('0000'+a.charCodeAt(0).toString(16)).slice(-4)})).replace(/\\(?:["\\\/bfnrt]|u[0-9a-fA-F]{4})/g,'@').replace(/"[^"\\\n\r]*"|true|false|null|-?\d+(?:\.\d*)?(?:[eE][+\-]?\d+)?/g,']').replace(/(?:^|:|,)(?:\s*\[)+/g,''))){return eval('('+t+')')}throw new SyntaxError('Unable to Parse: Invalid JSON')};fuzzy=function(){var a=Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments),b=a.shift(),c="",d=Object.prototype.toString.call(b),e,f,g,h,i;for(e=0;e<a.length;e+=1){f=a[e];if(b.hasOwnProperty(f)){if(typeof b[f]==="function")throw new TypeError("Reference points to a function");b=b[f];c+="[\""+f+"\"]"}else if(d==="[object Object]"){if(typeof f==="number")f=f.toString(10);f=f.toLowerCase();g=-1;i=!1;for(h in b){if(b.hasOwnProperty(h)&&typeof b[h]!=="function"){g+=1;if(h.toLowerCase()===f){b=b[h];c+="[\""+h+"\"]";i=!0;break}else if(g.toString(10)===f){b=b[h];c+="[\""+h+"\"]";i=!0;break}}}if(!i)throw new Error("No matching reference found");}else{throw new Error("Reference does not exist")}d=Object.prototype.toString.call(b)}return c}}());
        if ($1 == FileParse)     return if(status!=="init")throw new Error("Parse Not Pending");json=parse(read(@1@));status="done"
        if ($1 == UrlInit)       return if(status!=="init")throw new Error("JSON handler not ready");url.u=@1@;status="url"
        if ($1 == UrlMethod)     return if(status!=="url")throw new Error("URL Request Not Pending");url.m=@1@
        if ($1 == UrlHeader)     return if(status!=="url")throw new Error("URL Request Not Pending");url.h.push([@1@,@2@])
        if ($1 == UrlData)       return if(status!=="url")throw new Error("URL Request Not Pending");url.d=read(@1@)
        if ($1 == UrlParse)      return if(status!=="url")throw new Error("URL Request Not Pending");json=parse(xhr());status="done"
        if ($1 == UrlStatus)     return if(status!=="done")throw new Error("Data not parsed");if(!response)throw new Error("URL request not made");return response.status;
        if ($1 == UrlStatusText) return if(status!=="done")throw new Error("Data not parsed");if(!response)throw new Error("URL request not made");return response.statusText;
        if ($1 == UrlHeader)     return if(status!=="done")throw new Error("Data not parsed");if(!response)throw new Error("URL Request not made");return response.getResponseHeader(@1@)
        if ($1 == fuzzy)         return if(status!=="done")throw new Error("Data not parsed");return "1 "+fuzzy(@1@,@2@)
        if ($1 == typeof)        return if(status!=="done")throw new Error("Data not parsed");var i=@1@;if(i===undefined)throw new TypeError("Reference doesn't exist");if(i===null)return"1 null";var s=Object.prototype.toString.call(i);if(s==="[object Array]")return"1 array";if(s==="[object Object]")return"1 object";return "1 "+typeof(i)
        if ($1 == length)        return if(status!=="done")throw new Error("Data not parsed");var i=@1@;if(i===undefined)throw new TypeError("Reference doesn't exist");if(/^\[object (?:String|Array)\]$/.test(Object.prototype.toString.call(i)))return"1 "+i.length.toString(10);throw new Error("Reference is not a string or array");
        if ($1 == isparent)      return if(status!=="done")throw new Error("Data not parsed");var i=@1@;if(i===undefined)throw new TypeError("Reference doesn't exist");if(/^\[object (?:Object|Array)\]$/.test(Object.prototype.toString.call(i)))return"1 1";return"1 0"
        if ($1 == tofile)        return if(status!=="done")throw new Error("Data not parsed");var i=@2@;if(i===undefined)throw new TypeError("Reference doesn't exist");if(typeof i!=="string")throw new TypeError("Reference must be a string");write(@1@,i);
        if ($1 == get)           return if(status!=="done")throw new Error("Data not parsed");var i=@1@;if(i===undefined)throw new TypeError("Reference doesn't exist");if(i===null)return"1";if(/^\[object (?:Array|Object)\]$/.test(Object.prototype.toString.call(i)))throw new TypeError("Object or Array referenced");if(i.length>4000)throw new Error("Data would exceed mIRC's line length limit");if(typeof i == "boolean")return i?"1 1":"1 0";if(typeof i == "number")return "1 "+i.toString(10);return "1 "+i;
      alias -l jsTry {
        if ($isid) {
          if ($0 < 2 || $prop == withError && $0 < 3) {
            return 0 Missing parameters
          elseif (!$com($1)) {
            return 0 No such com
          else {
            var %code = $2, %error, %n = 2, %o, %js
            if ($prop == withError) {
              %error = $3
              %n = 3
            %o = %n
            while (%n < $0) {
              inc %n
              set -l $+(%, arg, $calc(%n - %o)) $eval($+($, %n), 2)
            %code = $regsubex($regsubex(%code, /@(\d+)@/g, $var($+(%, arg, \t ),1).value), [\s;]+$, )
            %error = $regsubex($regsubex(%error, /@(\d+)@/g, $var($+(%, arg, \t ),1).value), [\s;]+$, )
            if (%code) %code = $v1 $+ ;
            if (%error) %error = $v1 $+ ;
            %js = (function(){error=null;try{ $+ %code $+ return"1 OK"}catch(e){ $+ %error $+ error=e.message;return"0 "+error}}())
            debugger $1>$jsTry Executing: %js
            if (!$com($1, eval, 1, bstr, %js) || $comerr) {
              return 0 Unable to execute specified javascript
            return $com($1).result
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