Tagged: mirc code dos command line
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February 9, 2016 at 20:01 #449
Run command line (DOS) applications from mIRCExamples:
;shows netstat (you can also use parameters like -a) alias netstat { cmd netstat $1- }
;shows ipconfig (also parameters like /all) alias ipconfig { cmd ipconfig $1- }
;shows windows version alias ver { cmd ver }
;ping alias pings { cmd ping $$1- }
alias net_users { cmd2 net view /DOMAIN var %i = 4,%l = $calc($cmd2(0) - 1) while (%i < %l) { echo -a $+ $cmd2(%i) cmd2 -2 net view /DOMAIN: $+ $cmd2(%i) var %j = 4,%l2 = $calc($cmd2(0).2 - 1) while (%j < %l2) { var %n = $right($gettok($cmd2(%j).2,1,32),-2) cmd2 -3 tracert %n echo -a $chr(160) $spacer(%n,25) $iif($cmd2(2).3, $gettok($gettok($cmd2(2).3,2,91),1,93), Not responding) inc %j } inc %i } .remove cmd.2.txt .remove cmd.3.txt } alias -l spacer return $1 $+ $str($chr(160),$calc($2 - $len($1))) alias -l cmd2 { if ($prop) var %f = cmd. $+ $prop $+ .txt | else var %f = cmd.txt if (!$isid) && (-* iswm $1) { var %f = cmd. $+ $right($1,-1) $+ .txt | tokenize 32 $2- } if ($1 isnum) && ($2 == $null) return $iif($1,$read(%f,n,$1),$lines(%f)) if (!$1) return %f if ($isfile(cmd.txt)) .remove %f if ($com(cmd2)) .comclose cmd2 .comopen cmd2 WScript.Shell if (!$comerr) .comclose cmd2 $com(cmd2,Run,3,bstr,$+(%,comspec,%) /c $1 $2- > %f,uint,0,bool,true) if ($isid) return $lines(%f) }
;; main alias alias cmd { if (!$window(@Commands)) window -elk0zv @Commands 0 0 679 468 "Georgia" 12 ;window -aw @Commands clear @Commands aline -p @Commands 10Requesting00(04 $$1- 00)10... aline @Commands $chr(9) 10This may take a few mins ... sline @Commands $line(@commands,0) var %x = $ticks, %p = $2-, %cm = $+(cmd.,$remove($1,\),%x), %f = $mircdir $+ %cm $+ .txt if ($com(%cm)) { .comclose %cm } .comopen %cm WScript.Shell if ($comerr) { aline @Commands $com(%cm).errortext ~ $com(%cm).argerr } elseif (!$comerr) { .comclose %cm $com(%cm,Run,3,bstr,$+(%,comspec%) /c $1 %p > %f,uint,0,bool,true) } loadbuf @Commands %f aline @Commands $chr(9) aline -p @Commands 10Request00(04 $$1- 00) 10Processed. Duration00(04 $mss($calc($ticks - %x)) 00) ;aline @Commands $+(10,$left($scriptdir,-1),>) aline @Commands $chr(9) sline @Commands $line(@commands,0) ;run %f .remove %f if ($isid) return $true } on *:INPUT:@Commands: { if ($left($1,1) != /) cmd $$1- } menu @Commands { $active Menu .Add Line to clipboard:clipboard -an $sline(@Commands,1) .Add all to clipboard:clipboard | var %x 1 | while (%x <= $line(@Commands,0)) { clipboard -an $line(@Commands,%x) | inc %x } } ;; alias for the duration with ms alias mss return $duration($left($1,-3)) $iif($int($right($1,3)),$ifmatch $+ ms)
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