Below is a list of all NickServ commands.
Click each command to read more information and for examples of usage.
Some commands will require you to identify to the nickname before you can change them.
You can use that to determine what kind of access that user has. The access level changes depending on level of proof the current user of that nickname has provided to NickServ.
Here are the possible results:
0 – Nickname not registered or not online
1 – User has not identified with a password and does not match an access entry
2 – User has not identified with a password but does match an access entry
3 – User has identified to the nickname with the password
You can find out your own access by omitting a nickname in the command (first example)
/nickserv ACC
/nickserv ACC Fred
Access masks are added in the format
Examples to LIST:
/nickserv access list
Examples to ADD:
/nickserv access add
Example to REMOVE:
/nickserv access del
Example to WIPE:
/nickserv access wipe
If you want to unregister a nickname, then you should use the DROP command.
When issuing this command, NickServ will immediately halt all management of the specified nickname. After issuing the drop command, an email is sent to the currently set email for the nick. This email contains an authorization code that has to be copied and pasted while connected to DALnet or via the websystem to confirm the drop request process.
Before using this command you must use the IDENTIFY command with the nickname password. Please note that after dropping a nickname, it becomes available for immediate registration by someone else, so exercise caution when using this command. If after dropping a nickname, someone else registers it, you cannot reclaim that nickname until the new owner lets it expire or drops it.
/nickserv drop Fred
Sometimes, especially if the network is unstable or you get disconnected, you may end up with a ghosted nickname.
What that means is that although you have quit, the IRC server did not receive your quit, and has not released your nickname. It will still appear on any channels you were, and if you do a /whois you will see it has your internet address and your username.
You can retrieve this “ghosted” nickname by using the GHOST command. Use of the password might or might not be required. If your current address is on the access list, then you do not need to use the password. If your current address is not in the access list, then you must supply the nickname password.
NickServ will then reply saying that the nickname was killed, at which time you can change your nick to your old nickname and continue chatting.
/nickserv ghost Fred fr3dpassw0rd
If NickServ prompts you for a password you must reply using this command. The nickname is optional.
You should use it if you want to use the IDENTIFY for a nickname other than the one you are currently using.
If the password is correct, NickServ will notify you that you have successfully identified to your nickname, in which case you have full access to all commands. If not, then you have entered an incorrect password. Please note that passwords are case sensitive.
The first example identifies for the nickname you are currently using, whereas the second example identifies to a different nickname.
/nickserv identify fr3dpassw0rd
/nickserv identify Fred fr3dpassw0rd
Using the INFO command will give you additional information about a nickname if it is registered, such as the last seen address and time, registration date, etc.
/nickserv info Fred
Similar to the GHOST command, the RECOVER command allows you to reclaim your nickname if someone else is using it.
/nickserv recover Fred fr3dpassw0rd
The REGISTER command allows you to register a nickname with NickServ, and have NickServ protect it.
Note the fact that the desired nickname does not appear anywhere on this command. NickServ will attempt to register the nickname you are currently using. Also note that the password is case sensitive.
After issuing the register command, an email is sent to the email address you supplied. This email contains an authorization code required to complete the registration process. This code has to be copied and pasted while connected to DALnet or via the websystem to confirm the registration of your nick. During the registration process you may be asked to complete a “captcha” in order to prevent abuse and ensure you are a human.
/nickserv register fr3dpassw0rd
If someone tries to use your nickname, an enforcer will take it off them after 60 seconds and the users nick will be changed to Guest followed by random numbers.
Nicks being held in this manner cannot be used, and a person attempting to use a held nick will receive an error message. However, you can force NickServ to release the nickname immediately by using the RELEASE command.
/nickserv release Fred fr3dpassw0rd
The SENDPASS command will allow a user to request a password reset on his or her nickname.
The user will receive an email with an AUTH code that, when entered, will reset the nickname password to a new random password. This command should not be relied on as an alternative to managing your own passwords, but only as a “backup” in case of extreme situations.
/nickserv sendpass Fred
See here for details on NickServ SET commands